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  1. Multiplayer 2D demo We are building a kick-ass Play And Earn MOBA to revive your teenage years. Our demo, Freaky Bombers, will give you a glimpse on what's to come.

  2. From 2D to 3D The first game, Freaky bombers took a drastic transition from 2D to 3D. Get ready for high-definition visuals, real sensations and a moody gaming atmosphere

  3. Genesis Collection Mint Your Freak is your avatar and playable character inside our game. The launch of the 5000 Freakzz is only the beginning.

  4. Staking Staking your NFT for a long period of time will allow you to enter a series of levels. The higher the level, the bigger the prize. Freaky chests airdrops will be coming your way if you dare stake long enough.

  5. Minigames Collection Access the explosive, adrenaline-boosting, quickfire games. Designed to be fun, fast and competitive.

  6. Marketplace We are working hard to build our very own marketplace where purchases will be made in USDT. Players will be given the platform to buy character assets such as bombs, armor to fight opponents more effectively, and also buy or rent your Freakzz.

  7. Rent & Earn This utility is simple but yet powerful as it provides opportunities for both NFT owners and NFT renters to generate revenue in mutually beneficial arrangements, as well as providing opportunities for low-cost fun experimentation.

  8. Ad revenue Freakzz created a new model, never seen before on the market where 30% of the advertising revenue will be shared between all our NFT holders.

  9. Minigames releases During this year, we’ll be releasing more minigames to add them to the collection.

  10. Second collections Mint A secondary NFT release will be announced in 2023.

Last updated